7 Environment News Stories to Change the World Even Though COP26 Happened

IVF coral, green energy, and batteries as fertiliser… Here’s what’s working.

Ellie Baker
5 min readDec 20, 2021
Photo by Mert Guller on Unsplash

There’s a lot of good nature and climate news on the internet, if you know where to look.


It can get overwhelming.

I’ve brought you the newest good environment news and put it into some does-it-actually-make-a-difference context.

Don’t feel bad about COP26, if like me you’ve skimmed the media commentary and found little to inspire hope. Here’s who’s actually saving the world right now.

Photo by vu anh on Unsplash

The Netherlands is getting all 8 million of its houses off natural gas and other fossil fuels by 2050, and it’s already succeeded with 50 districts.

“Five years ago this kind of scenario was just a hypothetical.”

When it’ll happen: They’re working on it right now. There will be an all-hydrogen neighbourhood in Hoogeven municipality by 2023.
Challenges: Each of the…



Ellie Baker

I’m a fan of new perspectives, and hilarity. And birds. I hope my writing makes your day a bit weirder.